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Training and Educational Workshops. Public Presentations. Non-Profit Governance. Strategic Planning. Organizational Change. Policy Writing. 


All services are customized to suit the needs of your organization. 

Training & Educational Workshops

Workshops are prepared and delivered by May and her team. Goals will be clearly identified based on the needs of your organization. Workshops will be held online until it is safe to meet in person. 

All workshops are offered at Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.  They will include both theory and practical methods for application. Workshops are preceded by an online survey that May uses to generate relevant curricula for your organization.

May also offers individual coaching and mentorship.

Training and Workshops Available

Training & Workshops
Public Presentations

May gives expert and instructive public presentations to groups and organizations at meetings, conferences and other professional gatherings. She presents her material openly and accessibly, using real world examples supported by images and short videos. May's presentations always provide opportunities for questions and engagement.

Topics Include: 

  • What is Anti-Asian Racism? 

  • How to Create, Implement and Maintain an Effective Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Framework in Your Workplace

  • An Engaging Introduction to Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression

  • What is Intersectional Feminism?

Public Presentations
Non-Profit Governance

May has many years of experience with orienting new or inexperienced board members, as well as returning board members that need a refresher about what being on a non-profit board entails. May is happy to do accessible, easy-to-understand presentations about Board Roles and Responsibilities and other Specific Governance Duties. May is also available to facilitate / moderate your Annual General Meeting.

May provides non-profit Boards of Directors trainings about any of these topics:

  • Introduction to Non-Profit Board Duties, Roles, and Responsibilities

  • The Basics of Board Governance: What is it and what do Board Members Need to Know?

  • How to Chair a Board Meeting (or any meeting)

  • How to Take Effective and Accurate Minutes

May also organizes intensive projects such as Strategic Planning and Organizational Change work.

Non-Profit Governance
Policy Writing

All non-profit organizations need to have transparent, updated and relevant policies in place that match funder and ministry requirements, laws, and practices.  May can update current policies and she can write required policies for you.

List of Policies

  • Board Orientation Manual

  • Staff/Employee Manual 

  • Policy and Procedure Manual 

  • Volunteer Handbook

Policy Writing
Contact Me
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